Hearts Of Iron 4 Formable Nations
Adds custom game options that let you start the game with most of the formable nations added in the DLCs since Death or Dishonor (Roman Empire, Austria-Hungary, Rattanakosin Kingdom, etc.). All of the formable nations added in DLCs require them - so if you don't have any you'll only be able to form the Franco-British Union. These nations load in the same order as they're listed in the options, so turning on multiple European formables will result in overlap.Most of them only let you choose between whether or not you want to form them, but a few allow you to choose the ideology based on which country they're formed from, or how large the countries are. For example, forming Gran Colombia from either Colombia or Venezuela to make it start as democratic or fascist, respectively.
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This mod adds new formable nations to the game. Current nations are: ► Visegrad. ► Slavic Federation. ► Mughal Empire. ► Asian League. ► Balkan League.
Or forming Al-Andalus at its maximum extent possible through its normal decisions. Also, a handful of notably overlapping formables are grouped together to minimize any potential errors or just because it's more logical that way (for one, having the Baltic Union and a large Poland-Lithuania together would leave Estonia as the only Baltic Union land).This should be compatible with most regular mods.
New states added by mods might not be added to most formables that use them, so compatibility with those shouldn't be expected, especially if those new states are in Europe or the Middle East., thank you lukashenko.sanja! (Note: not up to date).