Supply Chain Pt Gudang Garam

  суббота 16 мая

Oct 22, 2019  Analisa Supply Chain Management (SCM) Pada PT Gudang Garam Profil Perusahaan PT Gudang Garam Tbk. Adalah produsen rokok kretek terkemuka, rokok kretek identik dengan Indonesia. PT Gudang Garam Tbk merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri rokok dan yang terkait dengan industri rokok. Sebagai salah satu produsen rokok kretek terbesar di Indonesia, PT Gudang Garam.

Gudang Garam cigarette company is one of the leading companies within the cigarette industry in Indonesia that has been established since 1958 in the town of Kediri, East Java. Until now, Gudang Garam has widely known both domestically and abroad as a producer of high quality kretek clove cigarettes. Gudang Garam products can be found in many varieties, ranging from SKL ( sigaret kretek klobot or corn husk-wrapped clove cigarettes), SKT ( sigaret kretek linting tangan or hand-rolled clove cigarettes, up to SKM ( sigaret kretek linting mesin or machine-rolled clove cigarettes). For the true clove cigarettes lovers, we are committed to provide an outstanding experience in enjoying kretek clove cigarettes made from high-quality materials. CATUR DHARMAStarted from a home industry, Gudang Garam cigarette company has grown and developed with a good corporate governance and based on the Catur Dharma (Four Ways of Life) philosophy.

These values are our guide to the company’s code of conduct and performance, for the employees, shareholders and the wider community.What Gudang Garam has accomplished today is certainly related with the important role of the founder, Surya Wonowidjojo. He was a true entrepreneur, matured by experience and business sense. In the eyes of the employees, he was not only acted as a leader, but also a figure of a father, brother, and friend, who is very concerned about the employees welfare.Surya Wonowidjojo passed away on August 28, 1985, leaving a deep impression in the mind of not only employees, but also in the hearts of Kediri people and the surrounding communities. He was a role model who instilled noble values for the company, which is crystallized into the Company’s Catur Dharma (Four Ways of Life):. A meaningful and useful life to the general public is a fundamental happiness. Hardwork, persistence, honesty, health, and faith is a prerequisite of success. Success can not be separated from the role and cooperation of others.

Employees are the major business partner. Founded in 2002, PT. Surya Madistrindo is a company owned by PT. Gudang Garam Tbk.


That distributes Gudang Garam’s cigarettes along with 3 other distribution companies. In 2009, SM became the sole distributor which holds control over all distribution and field marketing strategies nationwide.Based in Jakarta, SM has now developed and transformed into a professional and modern cigarette distribution company. Starting with only a few thousand employees, it has currently gained resources that reached over 14 thousand people spread through 12 regional offices and over 180 area offices in Indonesia. Juni Setiawati Wonowidjojo President CommissionerAppointed President Commissioner of the company in June 2009. She has been a Commissioner since 1983. She is related to Susilo Wonowidjojo, President Director and is affiliated to the Company’s shareholders.

Concurrently, she serves as President Commissioner of PT Suryamitra Kusuma as well as Commissioner of PT Suryaduta Investama, PT Surya Wisata and PT Taman Sriwedari. She is also the President Director of PT Surya Pamenang and PT Surya Zig Zag. Susilo Wonowidjojo President DirectorAppointed President Director in June 2009. Formerly served as Vice President Director since 1990 and before that as Director since 1976 with responsibilities for procurement of raw materials, flavours, inventory and production management.

He is related to Juni Setiawati Wonowidjojo President Commissioner and is affiliated to the Company’s shareholders. Concurrently, he serves as President Commissioner of PT Surya Madistrindo and Commissioner of PT Surya Air and PT Surya Dhoho Investama. He is also the President Director of PT Suryamitra Kusuma and Director of PT Suryaduta Investama, PT Suryaduta Mandiri, and PT Surya Halim Karya Sejahtera.

Herry Susianto DirectorAppointed Director with responsibility for Finance in 2007. His previous position was Internal Audit Head, a role he filled between 2002-2007. Head of accounting division from 2001 to 2002.

Joined the Company in 1983 and was assigned to the accounting division. He holds a Degree in Law from Airlangga University, Surabaya and a Masters in Management from Gajayana University, Malang. Concurrently, he serves as a Commissioner of PT Surya Madistrindo and PT Surya Inti Tembakau. He is also the President Director of PT Graha Surya Media and Director of PT Surya Air and PT Surya Abadi Semesta.

Buana Susilo DirectorAppointed Director in 2008 with responsibility in Manufacturing Technology. He draws upon extensive experience with the company in equipment design, process planning and configuration. Previously, he served as deputy director of Technical division since 1991 and in early 2000 was in charge of the greenfield construction and development of the second manufacturing facility at Gempol. Joined the company in 1981 where he was responsible for the modernization of primary processing. He is also a Director of PT Surya Dhoho Investama. Istata Taswin Siddharta DirectorAppointed Director in 2012 with major responsibility for Information Technology. Joined the Company in 2008 and served as Deputy Marketing Director from 2008 to 2010.

Formerly served as partner of KPMG Indonesia and has extensive experience as a public accountant for 20 years. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Accounting, University of Indonesia, Jakarta. Concurrently, he serves as a Commissioner of PT Surya Pamenang, PT Surya Zig Zag and all subsidiaries of PT Surya Madistrindo. He is also the President Director of PT Surya Dhoho Investama and Director of PT Surya Madistrindo and PT Grandsurya Resortindo. He is also an Audit Committee member of PT Goodyear Indonesia Tbk. Sony Sasono Rahmadi Independent DirectorJoined the company in 2012 and was appointed Director with responsibility for printing operations of cigarette packaging. From 2008-2012, served as Director at PT Cipta Kretek Nusantara and PT Karyadibya Mahardhika.

Prior to that, he worked at PT Surya Zig Zag during which time he served as General Manager and Management Representative. Appointed Independent Director in 2014.

He holds a Bachelors Degree in Chemical Engineering from the Institute of Technology, Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya. INTERNAL AUDITThe functions, duties and scope of work of Internal Audit are governed by the Board of Directors. These include the role to review the accuracy and reliability of financial reporting, policies and procedures, ensuring the effectiveness of internal control system in each unit, including proper security of assets and routine assessment of the company's operational efficiency levels.

All Internal Audit reports are submitted directly to the President Director. Suwardi serves as Internal Audit Head. CORPORATE SECRETARYThe Corporate Secretary acts as liaison between the Public Company as issuer of shares and shareholders, OJK, Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and other stakeholders, as required.

Corporate Secretary is responsible to ensure that Gudang Garam complies with regulations and advisory notices issued by the Capital Market Authority and advises the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners on any issues in this respect. Corporate Secretary also keeps the Capital Market Authority and all shareholders informed on the company's business performance through among others, the publication of financial reports, meetings requested from time to time and via an annual public expose. Heru Budiman, Director, serves as Corporate Secretary.

26 May 2016Author: Human Rights WatchThousands of children in Indonesia, some just 8 years old, are working in hazardous conditions on tobacco farms, Human Rights Watch said in a reportIndonesian and multinational tobacco companies buy tobacco grown in Indonesia, but none do enough to ensure that children are not doing hazardous work on farms in their supply chains.The 119-page report, “‘,” documents how child tobacco workers are exposed to nicotine, handle toxic chemicals, use sharp tools, lift heavy loads, and work in extreme heat. The work could have lasting consequences for their health and development. The largest companies operating in Indonesia include three Indonesian tobacco product manufacturers – PT Djarum, PT Gudang Garam Tbk, and PT Nojorono Tobacco International – and two companies owned by multinational tobacco companies – PT Bentoel Internasional Investama, owned by British American Tobacco, and PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk, owned by Philip Morris International. Khichdi season 3. Other Indonesian and multinational companies also purchase tobacco grown in Indonesia.Human Rights Watch shared its findings with 13 companies, and 10 responded.

None of the four Indonesian companies provided a detailed or comprehensive response, and the largest two, Djarum and Gudang Garam, did not respond despite repeated attempts to reach them. Related stories. 25 May 2016Author: Human Rights WatchThis report—based on extensive research including interviews with more than 130 children who work on tobacco farms in Indonesia—shows that child workers are being exposed to serious health and safety risks. The dangers include acute nicotine poisoning from contact with tobacco plants and leaves, and exposure to toxic pesticides and other chemicals. Few of the children we interviewed, or their parents, were trained on safety measures or knew the health risks of the work. While Indonesian child labor laws are generally in line with international standards, our research shows that inadequate regulations and poor enforcement of the law, particularly in the small-scale farming sector, leave children at risk. The report concludes with detailed recommendations to the Indonesian government, tobacco companies, and other relevant players in the tobacco industry, including that authorities should immediately prohibit children from performing any tasks that involve direct contact with tobacco, and that companies should improve their human rights due diligence procedures to identify and end hazardous child labor on tobacco farms.

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